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REDEMPTION Smells Like Smallmouth
After a craptastic first half of the day, the weather improved and the fish started biting.
Worst morning fishing trip of 2021. But noodle bowls always make the day better.
First Day Fishing SouthNY Kayak Fishing April Tournament - DECENT START
Visited the Rio twice to get some fish on the board for the SouthNY Kayak Fishing April Tournament. Came away with a Largemouth and two Smallie's. Still have plenty of time left to catch more...
Cold, Windy, and Skunked - BUT NEW KAYAK
Took the new Hobie Pro Angler 14 out on Lake Superior for a short cold run. No fish to be found today - but good fun on the new boat.
Perception Pescador Pilot Build
Join me as I build out my second Perception Pescador Pilot. I love these Kayaks and I'm looking forward to sharing the fishing Kayak experience with friends and family! I outfit this kayak with the top electronics and accessories and go over the basic build.